lil artist

I loved to draw as a kid. Dad would bring home huge reams of used dot matrix printer paper from his job; the back sides were blank and I’d covered them in drawings. I don’t have a lot left from when I was a kid, though, so those are long gone.

But thanks to some help from some internet weirdos, I was able to track down a drawing I knew existed: a drawing of Spots the dog, published in the Chicago Tribune, June 10, 1990.

Basic Google and Duck Duck Go searches had turned up little, other than evidence that Spots the dog existed. Spots was created by William H. Anderson in the 1980s, and was a mascot for the kids pages that ran in the Sunday Tribune.

Someone pointed me to the correct archive I needed. I wasn’t sure of even the exact year, let alone the date. I looked through three or four issues, and then I lucked out and found my drawing. Oh baby Natasha. It’s so sad to think that I didn’t take an art class from 5th grade until I was in my 30s. But I’m glad to have this back.

My full name. Enough of my address to track me down. What were we doing back then?!

And hey, in contrast, here’s a painting I did in 2021 that features a dog.


Post-Class Lavenders

