Post-Class Lavenders

I am awesome at school. The way most classes have been taught in the US just really mesh with my brain. I’m good at rote memorization. The way I deal with fidgeting is by taking notes (downside: I always have to take the official notes at meetings). I’m quiet and polite and raise my hand and am terrified of angering the instructor.

So even now, I like to continue taking classes, for a little structure, for a little dopamine, for a little bit of showing off. The last few years, I took art classes, but last fall I enrolled in Chinuk Wawa language classes at Lane Community College.

I just finished 103. It’s been an amazing experience. I can’t wait for 201 in the fall. But the post-class blues have been tough. What do I do now? Study….on my own????? With no one to impress or praise me?!

But the Lavender Festival is only a month away. I’m throwing myself into making art for that. Very excited! Very nervous! Very covered in ink at the moment!


Shoe Gambit


lil artist